23 feb. 2010

walk the shok

Is the optimism bad?!

Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World
by Barbara Ehrenreich

If we take this ‘optimism’ as literally equivalent of ‘denial’
from Elisabeth Kubler-Ross model
(denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance)
the words states a truth:
you must be very optimistic to overcome a high percent probable loss –
and a loss you can’t control.
K-R model was issued from ‘death and dying’.

Being familiar with the former way of doing things,
you deny it was bad,
i.e. you are optimistic about it,
and that’s why this cult of positivity
makes it easier to find excuses not to make changes –
acting like a negativist person.

Is like in change management –

Optimism keeps people waking up each morning.

It is not “Smile OR Die”,
but “Smile AND Die”= live
i.e. walk the shok
be the…ok!
Let’s :)

17 feb. 2010

a new BBB

Back to Basic Bond

It is an inflation of “aha” authors in this – this,
well, let’s say ‘LABOUR LITERATURE’
regarding human being.
and the way it (is) consume(d).

There is a lot of hidden-quoting culture there, 
or lets put it straight lack of culture -
or even lack of ethics -
by doing something quite close to plagiarism.

A  big success have these words about… management!
(without being quoted the author,
putted plane as a very spring of the mind of
on-the-spot gurus in organizations, consulting,
and, yes!, coaching -
where the only regulation is e t h i c s (ICF Code of Ethics))  

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can change
and wisdom to know the difference.
(Rienhold Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer - itself with a controversial author/it has been credited to Aristotle,
Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Augustine, Boethius, Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas, Baruch Spinoza. http://www.yalealumnimagazine.com/issues/2008_07/serenity.html)

Well, I think is the core knowledge of
Seth Godin’s book – „The Dip:
A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)”

James Bond!

how to begin

Do you wish to be great?
Then begin by being.

Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric?
Think first about the foundations of humility.
The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.

Saint Augustin

15 feb. 2010


Although my neighbours are all barbarians,
and you, you are a thousand miles away,
there are always two cups on my table.
Tang Dynasty

12 feb. 2010

las'ca ne indreptam noi spre.. ceva!!!

din ciclul 'las-o ba, ca merge-asa!' - inertia at work.. place
-inertia e totdeauna activa - cel mai trist e ca, de cele mai multe ori, e singura activa
-inertia e 'the leading guidence' in lipsa de alt…referential
-inertia e massa (!) si poate fi schimbata numai de leadership -
pentru ca leaderul reprezinta 50% din imaginea ’produsului vandut angajatului’=compania in care munceste.
plus al 8-ulea element al lui Cristi Motca -
dealtminteri, a basic need for being inertial - manageru care nu aude niciun feedback...
banc: biciclist/sistem inertial vs observator
buey, iti zornaie lantu'!
ce?!! n-aud, ca im zornaaaie lantu'!
ok, boys
keep byking:)

10 feb. 2010

the most powerful English word

following a discussion on

TED/What is the single most powerful positive word in the English language?
and..... the answer is...

right, the power is direct linked with the emotion
and the emotion move things forward - even is about ...frame of reference:)
I think the most powerful-engaging-to-positive word in the Bible is 'death',
with its emotion 'fear', with its.. motion/movement to Saint Augustin's saying
'love, and do what you want' - other words – ’live’.

But speaking about English,
I will say Shakespeare!

The more metaphoric it is the word, the more powerful.
Metaphor derived from Greeek word metapherein,
to carry over or transfer – to have that power!

Well, ’shakespearean’ is the utmost metaphor for human being,
and it is an English word

8 feb. 2010

Magda's Profile/ FACET 5


Se potriveste cel mai bine cu un rol prin care sa ii ajute pe altii sa isi dezvolte talentele, sa dezvolte un sens al identitatii,
si mentinerea unei tinute morale in echipa.

Motivatia si interesul sunt direct legate de
sansa de a aduce valoare organizatiei,
intr-un mediu de lucru care sa asigure evolutia celorlalti,
un statut social si respect.
Implementeaza obiective, stabilind procesul in detaliu,
si monitorizeaza cu grija activitatea.

Comunica obiectivele cu entuziasm,
asculta si incurajeaazaa discutiile.
Ofera feedbaack cuantificabil si la timp,
si isi promoveaza proprii oameni chiar si in defavoarea sa.
Este intelegatoare insa stabileste standarde morale inalte.

Este un om cald, interesat sincer si dornic sa ajute pe ceilalti.
Are calitatea de a diminua tensiunea din aproape orice echipa.

Este puternic motivata de responsabilitatea pentru oameni
si e preocupata de sprijinul pe care sa li-l acorde in dezvoltarea talentelor lor.
Poate fi extrem de altruista.
Are un potential deosebit pentru stimularea cresterii si dezvoltarii celorlalti

7 feb. 2010

Give as you eat*

Cel care, vazand un nenorocit,
isi transporta in el fiinta,
da nastere - din iubire - in cel nenorocit,
macar pentru o clipa,
unei existente independente de nenorocire.
Transporatandu-si fiinta insasi in cel pe care il ajuta,
el ii da pentru o clipa acea existenta proprie
de care nenorocirea l-a lipsit.

Simone Weil/Autobiografie spirituala

The one who, seeing an unhappy person, transports his very own being in there,
makes happened - through love - in the wretched one,
just for a moment, a fully independent existence of his unhappiness.
By transporting our own being into the person whom we help,
we give him back for a moment his true existence -
the one from which he was deprived by his unhappines.

(well, the text is in a Romanian editions of selected works
but they don't mentioned which is the original books they were chosing from.)

Cei pe care Dumnezeu ii va rasplati
dau asa cum mananca.
The ones who God will reward
give as they eat.

4 feb. 2010

work global, corrupt local :))

"According to the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2009,
an annual list published by Transparency International,
Romania is the most corrupt country in the European Union."

Cum se face ca legaturile "rele"
functioneaza mai bine decat legaturile "bune"?

How come the "bad" linked-in works better
than the "good" linked-in?