11 sept. 2009

September Cohen


- Have you ever thouhgt of changing your name?
- Yeah. I have thought to change my name to September
- I bag your pardon?!
- I have thought to change my name to September when I start writing songs and sang
- Leonard September?
- No, September Cohen!
- Haha But Cohen is such a standard name
- Well, September is pretty standard too!

Yeah, we had a pretty standard September here in Romania
thanks to this literally charming human being.

Vorba unui vers din Walt Whitmann - ”am fost de fatza!”
ca sa zic asa, la calitatea timpului petrecut acolo.
”Thank you for shining down on us", a multumit Lunii imense
ce se vedea in dreapta scenei
Tin sa zic asta pentru ca Leonard Cohen
e fermecator prin atentia pe care a acorda ..vietii :)