31 ian. 2010

Magda's Profile/ Insights

vede repede solutia in situatii de criza si obtine calm sprijin;
are putere de convingere si o viziune clara despre ceea ce este cel mai bine;

isi poate dedica intreaga energie crearii unui mediu de cooperare confortabil;
este devotata, sustinatoare si capabila sa ia decizii creative;
este toleranta, receptiva si flexibila si se bucura de momentul prezent;

are intuitie si abilitati interpersonale care ii permit sa stabileasca relatii profunde;
acorda timpul necesar problemelor importante ale oamenilor;
cauta partea buna a celorlalti, ii incurajeaza si ii sprijina;

aduce entuziasm discret si loialitate in munca sa, incurajand cooperarea si flexibilitatea in cadrul echipei;
poate rezolva conflictele intr-o maniera pozitiva si poate ajunge la rezultate agreate mutual, luand in considerare toate interesele;

se simte la fel de bine gandind profund lucrurile, dar si discutand toate aspectele;
dovedeste un stil de conducere de calitate;
isi exprima totdeauna parerea intr-o maniera directa;

priveste o situatie de urgenta ca pe o ocazie favorabila pentru a-si dovedi capacitatea de a o rezolva;
are un impact deosebit prin ideile multe si variate pe care le poate oferi;

prefera relatiile democratice si participative si ii place sa promoveze idei fata de si impreuna cu ceilalti;
aduce bucurie si voiosie in orice mediu cu care este familiarizata.

Magda's profile/Human Synergistics


Healthy people like you make the best managers.

Your profile suggests a combination of strenghts, namely goal accomplishment,
a strong sense of personal direction and
the capability to derive enjoyment
and satisfaction from what you do.
These strenghts are mostly recognized by experienced managers,
consultants and psychologists as
key factors in personal and organization effectiveness.
You are likely to take a fresh, imaginative approach
to dealing with obstacles.
The full development of skills as solid as yours
is a constantly expanding and enlarging process.

EQ 158 :))

Just took the quiz What is your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?
and got the result:
Your EQ is 158
Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil...
or you're a dirty liar.
Seriously though, your whole
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" philosophy is really what defines
emotional intelligence.

You're warm, open, and very optimistic.
You know how to act appropriat...ely,
even if you don't feel like it.

You are a good communicator,
and you have little difficulty with personal relationships -
even when you're dealing with difficult people.
In general, you are successful, capable, together person.

You get what you want out of life.

let start getting..

Sufism - "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God"

Cand inima plange dupa ceea ce a pierdut, spiritul rade pentru ceea ce a gasit.
(verset sufit/courtesy Maria)

30 ian. 2010

God has soft skills


Dear God, please do as I ever have lost
(or have been stolen from me)my identity card,
my bank identity, my car's identity and
mostly the pictures of my beloved past-away doggy.
because I am so unbearably sorry

Than I suddenly remembered the Tertulian's saying
God can do everything but change the past!
Dear God, please help me now to find my mobile!
This was in my mind while I started to search
a small full of snow aria near my parking place.
And you know what?! I found a schneider ballpen
instead of my nokia!
And you know what?! It happens the second time!
Not the baallpen, the...ANSWER!

More than a decade ago,
Dear God, how can I be a winner when I am not winning at all?!
not even at a lottery, where is obvious you have the least work
for the biggest result:)?! Please, help me!

I bought a ticket and, for the first time in my life,
it was NOT unsuccessful: I won one cent!!!

That's it, is like a
" well, it is all I can do, you know,
but, see?! I am watching over you,
I am SIGNING around, see?! Take care!"

right. thanks for the ballpen.
see YOU.
:)- and I literally mean it!

25 ian. 2010

never underestimate a gift:)

I have the feeling that in the very moment I will straighten the nails, I will know what I must do with it.

Am impresia ca indata ce am sa indrept ca lumea cuiele, o sa stiu la ce imi sunt de folos.

Julio Cortazar/Rayuela

24 ian. 2010

update my LinkedIn profile

Professional Experience:
"understand who you can be
learn what to do for being it
rejoice of what you are"
(con-textu-al variations upon
Kant's MANAGEMENT system:
1. What can I know?
2. What ought I to do?
3. What may I hope? )

"so many Things to do, so Little time..
your life is Flooded, so is mine.
but it will be a Blink - and that's the Time -
when, walking upon Waters, we'll drink the Wine.."

(- what for poems, Mr Pasternak?!
- because poetry is the quickest language - the most information in the shortest time!
- what for information, Mr Gates?!
- because information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven!
- what about business, Mr Kotter?!
- well, with the furious pace of change in business today, difficulty to manage relationships sabotages more business than anything else - it is not a question of strategy that gets us into trouble, it's a question of emotions!
- aaaaaaaaaaaa :)))

emotioning (!), relationshipping(!) - with self and others
business developer(i.e. marketer), negociator, coach, trainer,
integrated communication manager, writer, speaker, LIGHTNING THINKER,
and, of course..." the best is yet to come because I'm gonna live till I die", dear Frank :)

iata, dragilor, cum m-am produs pe mine azi :))
zic asta si apropo de noica: intrebat de guvernanta nemtoaica ce face pe olita
a raspuns ich denke mich :))

19 ian. 2010

"Magda este un ager observator si un profund cunoscator al oamenilor, de care se apropie cu interes, intelegere si compasiune. Un suflet cald, care invaluie profesionalismul adanc al acestei adevarate sabii de Toledo si il umanizeaza. Cei care s-au aflat fata in fata cu ea stiu ca aceasta simbioza aduce pe langa inevitabila performanta si o clara lumina a intelegerii de sine, a lumii si a problemelor noastre, care astfel isi gasesc mai usor solutii. Pentru ca intotdeauna gaseste puterea sa se detaseze chiar si de clipele ei grele si sa ne acorde tot sprijinul de care avem atata nevoie. Un om asa cum am dori sa fim si noi si sa fie cat mai multi in jurul nostru."
Valentina Sandu

Managing Partener
Gallup Consulting

Experienta de a lucra in coaching cu Magda a fost si este una deosebita, din mai multe perspective. Magda este un bun profesionist in coaching, respectand in abordarea ei toate conditiile unei acompanieri de calitate. In plus, experienta ei profesionala dubleaza calitatile ei personale (calm, analiza atenta, ascultare si atentie maxima, deschidere si orientare catre rezultat), creand unul dintre cei mai valorosi parteneri posibili pentru oricine isi propune sa devina campion al propriei vieti.
Mihai Stanescu

Business Coach
S.C. RoCoach Consult S.R.L


Coaching -ul un "necesar", ecologic, care te "asaza" confortabil in dinamica fara precedent a cotidianului. Discret si in acelasi timp hotarat si energic, cu multa rigoare si responsabilitate, Magda m-a ajutat sa vad cu bucurie si sa mă recladesc pe mine insumi din (foarte important! ) mine insumi.
Sanda Taina

Sef serviciu
CN Transelectrica SA - Sucursala Pitesti


Sunt oameni in viata cu care cladesti, cu care iti validezi propriile ganduri si cu ajutorul carora iti descoperi cu placere drumul, de fiecare data cand crezi ca esti complet ratacit. Magda este un astfel de om. De la ea am invatat si ca oamenii deosebiti trebuie sa fie atenti cu ei insisi. Si mai important este ca m-a invatat ce inseamna feed-forward. Profesional si personal. Si nu sunt multe ocaziile in care poti multumi unui coach.
Multumesc Magda!
Corina Ionita
Ensight Consulting

si Dieu me prete vie

Tolstoi isi incheia intotdeauna insemnarile din jurnal
cu expresia frantuzeasca:
"si Dieu me prete vie"
(daca va voi Dumnezeu sa mai traiesc si miine).

18 ian. 2010

Decisionmaking Skills Peak at 53

By Carla Fried
That’s right, it’s all downhill after 53 — at least for your financial decision-making super powers.
A new Brookings Papers study (penned by two Fed Reserve guys and two academics) took a look at 10 different financial moves — from credit card balance transfers to home equity loans and lines of credit — and how age plays into the decision-making process. The sweet spot for minimizing fees and interest rates was smack dab in the heart of old-school middle age: 53. After that milestone, our financial cognitive skills start to slide.

5 ian. 2010

lhasa de sela tribute


You've travelled this long
You just have to go on
Don't even look back to see
How far you've come
Though your body is bending
Under the load
There is nowhere to stop
Anywhere on this road

"anywhere on this road"/The Living Road/2003

1 ian. 2010


si buni, ca asta de veni peste noi!
era sa zic ”pe neasteptate!”

ca am o viroza
de i-am facut sa sopteasca pe toti cei 3 convivi de azi noapte
"clar" (courtesy Ra.)

zile placut pattern-ale pt noul an!
muahaha, ce orori lingvistice poate sa scoata din om
cine? ce?

poi, sa prindem acceleratul, de!


"iubeşte şi fă ce vrei"

Sfântul Augustin/Confesiuni

Anul Nou din fiecare zi

"Stiu ca poti sa faci orice
si ca nu este niciun gand care sa nu ajunga pentru Tine
fapta." (Iov - 42/2)

Si Dumnezeu a binecuvantat sfarsitul vietii lui Iov
mai bogat decat inceputul ei, si el a strans paisprezece mii de oi,
sase mii de camile, o mie de perechi de boi si o mie de asine.
(Iov - 42/12)

Dragii mei, fiti voi!,
in toate zilele voastre -
mai aproape sau mai indepartate de inceput.