'mnăzîua, societate civilă.
Azi, despre drumul de la ou la bou:
Cine fură azi un citat, mâine ne spune că e decan cu doctorat.
Nu, nu mă refer la celebrul plagiat de la vârful stabilimentului guvernamental - mi se par mai grave astea chiar din lumea oamenilor care se ocupă de oameni, la care etica e normă - sau e de aşteptat să fie. Poate e canon - de aia unii par că se canonesc cam mult să pară oneşti. Păi, te apuci să iei afirmaţii celebre şi le postezi pe brandul (sic!) personal, redactate anume să pară emise de dumneata! Ce e cam înfiorant e că sunt oameni care chiar cred că tu ai spus vorbele.. lui Tim Gallwey!
Că oamenii nu prea mai citesc, se ştie, dar nu ăsta este impasul - întâmplător, eu l-am tradus pe Gallwey în româneşte şi îi ştiu bine cuvintele. Dar, desigur, nimeni nu are cum să ştie tot ce iese la search cu Google.
Aşa că mă aştept să ai bun simţ, pe orice wall te-ai trezi.
Valeriu Gherghel (profesor de filosofie la Universitatea din Iaşi, şi coachee în al doilea stagiu de antrenare oferit de Constantin Noica) are o carte de eseuri cu un subtitlu foarte fain: autofricţiuni. Hai să observăm că e mare diferenţă între ficţiune şi fricţiune. E cam de bleah autofricţiunea. E de încercat autoetica...
''Să cunoaste omul bun
Pă carare si pă drum.
Să cunoaste omul mare
Si pă drum si pă carare.
Să fii mare nu-i mirare
Să fii om ii lucru mare.
Să fii mare nu-i nimică
Omenia te ridică.''
Vorbuliţă din zona Şomcuta Mare, de la Alina Naghi. Mersi!
(din postările pe FB către societatea civilă ;))
26 mar. 2015
25 mar. 2015
Comunicarea - ''la serviciu''
- Comunicarea cu sine este calea prin care orice individ îşi atinge obiectivele – personale sau profesionale.
- Comunicarea cu ceilalţi este calea prin care echipele şi organizaţiile obţin rezultatele pe care le doresc.
- Comunicarea cu tine şi cu ceilalţi este calea prin care conduci oamenii şi, totodată, calea prin care ei te urmează.
"No matter how skilled someone is in a particular job, if he or she is a poor communicator, advancement opportunities are limited," said Max Messmer, chairman of Accountemps and author of Managing Your Career For Dummies®, 2nd Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).
A fi la serviciu, în tenis, înseamnă şansa de a iniţia şi controla jocul - şansa de a câştiga punctul. Acum, când gestiunea tehnologiilor e la îndemâna tuturor, comunicarea a devenit avantaj competitiv major.
Comunicarea e la serviciu - aceasta este feedback-ul observaţional care a determinat structura şi conţinutul atelierelor de antrenare în comunicare NESTworking™. Prin conţinut şi tehnici se asigură creştere (self-actualization) prin procese de învăţare de tip double loop learning. Prima buclă de învăţare asigură schimbări la nivel de comportament, a doua buclă suscită dezvoltarea gândirii critice şi practica auto-reflexivităţii, determinând astfel transformări la nivelul convingerilor. Pentru că TOT CE E POSIBIL E.. PROBABIL, POŢI SĂ PROBEZI SĂ VEZI CUM ÎŢI VINE - cum îmi place mie să zic.
NESTworking™ vine (sic!) bine. Şi duce înainte! (E posibil ;))
Comunicarea e la serviciu - aceasta este feedback-ul observaţional care a determinat structura şi conţinutul atelierelor de antrenare în comunicare NESTworking™. Prin conţinut şi tehnici se asigură creştere (self-actualization) prin procese de învăţare de tip double loop learning. Prima buclă de învăţare asigură schimbări la nivel de comportament, a doua buclă suscită dezvoltarea gândirii critice şi practica auto-reflexivităţii, determinând astfel transformări la nivelul convingerilor. Pentru că TOT CE E POSIBIL E.. PROBABIL, POŢI SĂ PROBEZI SĂ VEZI CUM ÎŢI VINE - cum îmi place mie să zic.
NESTworking™ vine (sic!) bine. Şi duce înainte! (E posibil ;))
20 mar. 2015
Ziulica fericirii
Fericirea nu e ce se aşteaptă să zici părinţii, prietenii, profesorii, colegii, şefii, jumătăţile, copiii &Co.
(Nici chiar Institutul!, că văd că avem - institutul pentru fericire). Scrie-ţi o listă cu astea, aşteptările altora. Ce n-ai scris, aia e ;)
Fericirea e ca fiinţa (oups, stambă de dat în ea!) - o poţi defini prin ce nu e, vorba neamţului cu H.
Başca textul Fericitului (sic!) Augustin.
În fine, pe scurt, ştiu ce e timpul, domnule.
#gencumarfi Ziua Internationala a fericirii, 20 martie
Găsiţi aci un filmuleţ foarte fain - e vorba tot de 2 de ''eu'', dar altfel: unul e ăl de trăieşte, celălalt ăl de îşi aminteşte.
Daniel Kahneman speaks about the difference between experience selves (ES) and remembrance selves (RS). „The ES lives its life continuously, it has moments of experience – one after the other. (..)The RS defines a story - the story the memory delivers for us, and is also true that we make up changes, significant moments and endings, endings are very very important. (..)”
Şi încă ceva:
``We don’t choose between experiences, we choose between memories of experiences. Even when we think about the future, we don’t think of our future normally as experiences. We think of our future as
anticipated memories.”
Ia să anticipăm noi fericit
wink emoticon
14 mar. 2015
Werner Herzog 22 advices.. to manage (with) perplexity (sic!)
1. Always take the initiative.
2. There is nothing wrong with spending a night in jail if it means getting the shot you need.
3. Send out all your dogs and one might return with prey.
4. Never wallow in your troubles; despair must be kept private and brief.
5. Learn to live with your mistakes.
6. Expand your knowledge and understanding of music and literature, old and modern.
7. That roll of unexposed celluloid you have in your hand might be the last in existence, so do something impressive with it.
8. There is never an excuse not to finish a film.
9. Carry bolt cutters everywhere.
10. Thwart institutional cowardice.
11. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
12. Take your fate into your own hands.
13. Learn to read the inner essence of a landscape.
14. Ignite the fire within and explore unknown territory.
15. Walk straight ahead, never detour.
16. Manoeuvre and mislead, but always deliver.
17. Don't be fearful of rejection.
18. Develop your own voice.
19. Day one is the point of no return.
20. A badge of honor is to fail a film theory class.
21. Chance is the lifeblood of cinema.
22. Guerrilla tactics are best.
23. Take revenge if need be.
24. Get used to the bear behind you.
from here: http://kottke.org/15/01/24-pieces-of-life-advice-from-werner-herzog
2. There is nothing wrong with spending a night in jail if it means getting the shot you need.
3. Send out all your dogs and one might return with prey.
4. Never wallow in your troubles; despair must be kept private and brief.
5. Learn to live with your mistakes.
6. Expand your knowledge and understanding of music and literature, old and modern.
7. That roll of unexposed celluloid you have in your hand might be the last in existence, so do something impressive with it.
8. There is never an excuse not to finish a film.
9. Carry bolt cutters everywhere.
10. Thwart institutional cowardice.
11. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
12. Take your fate into your own hands.
13. Learn to read the inner essence of a landscape.
14. Ignite the fire within and explore unknown territory.
15. Walk straight ahead, never detour.
16. Manoeuvre and mislead, but always deliver.
17. Don't be fearful of rejection.
18. Develop your own voice.
19. Day one is the point of no return.
20. A badge of honor is to fail a film theory class.
21. Chance is the lifeblood of cinema.
22. Guerrilla tactics are best.
23. Take revenge if need be.
24. Get used to the bear behind you.
from here: http://kottke.org/15/01/24-pieces-of-life-advice-from-werner-herzog
12 mar. 2015
A site in sight! Nestworking - a way to grow inside through insight ;)
Bine zicea Alan Kay:
''The best way to predict the future is to create it'' wink emoticon
cu Simina Domniţa Diaconu&Alina Naghi&Mirela Jackline Mincu

Iaca, fix azi, anume a cui zi este?!
Teofan Mărturisitorul, Grigorie Dialogul, Simeon Noul Teolog!
Que sara, sara - carevasăzicăăă, vom comunica!
Despre Nestworking aici: http://coaching2success.blogspot.ro/…/insotind-cu-admiratie… Mulţumesc Corina Puiu!
2 mar. 2015
Owning the balance (sic!)
Through ownership is generally understood the degree an employee has the feeling of being the owner of the company - all the approaches of the organizations are oriented in this respect: to determine people to work as if it is their own company. My point of view on ownership in the workplace is different: to welcome people to live their work time as if is their own life. It could seem odd, but let us acknowledge there are plenty of signs that people do live a split life – so harmful. We live longer, but our life is shorter.. with the very hours we work.
We all noticed – or used -
those funny cartoons saying Mondays are to be cut from the calendar, or..
We all noticed – or said –
things like ‘’I use only half of what I am at work’’ or….
We all are concerned with
life-work balance, assuming by this very statement that work is not life.
people associate ‘’employee ownership’’ with owning shares - or, as in the above
cited research, with “investment,” “incentive,” “teamwork,” “bogus,”
“equality,” “a good benefit,” “employee involvement”. Lets acknowledge that wage’s level is important
– Maslow basic needs pyramid -, and as participation to company’s profit it is
thoroughly important to developing a sense of ownership – nobody would agree to
own an uncomfortable situation.
From the reported data, is interesting to
notice that ‘’fairness’’ (to be treated fairly at work) has the highest level
against the so perceived more practical dimensions of ownership related to
financial aspects. Fairness is one of the main values even so called bad people
have – any thief cherishes his fairness toward his bad conduct. Fairness is
something we own by default, and as it springs on the first place of needed
conditions for feeling a sense of ownership in the work place is a sign that people are aware of living their
lives in the workplace. And they want to live it properly.
Leaders and managers
are advised to also be aware of that, and to put needed actions in their
strategies to welcome ‘’employee ownership’’, paying attention to fairness,
incentives, participation: communicate
with honor; elicit involvement at all levels, and celebrate support personnel do
offer; ask what ownership means to people and ‘’tailor plans’’ to fit their
But, material
or not, all these perspectives target an allowed
participation - a company’s decision to follow -, not an assumed ownership to
feel and to act accordingly: a personal
option to be responsible of. And yet there are aloud organizational statements
on empowerment and entrepreneurial
attitude encouragement in the workplace – and both are rooted in welcoming
individual’s sense of responsibility. And freedom. Read it ownership.
photo credit: Kathy Colaiacovo
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