14 ian. 2020

“I think we sometimes confuse effortlessness with accuracy” - Chris Chabris

Today reading: Intellectual Humility - the importance of knowing you might be wrong.

A long article about why is difficult to form the habit of saying ”I was wrong”.
One cause is the one I quoted in the title of this post.

Others are related with well-known experiment in social media - ”The Dress”, people seeing two different colors, and ”Yanny or Laurel”, people hearing a name, and others the other. Of course, these experiments new media has facilitated are decades preceded by classic experiments:
 Image result for drawing old or young lady"  &Co
and, of course, by the more intellectual approach - Wittgenstein duck/rabbit drawing.
Image result for wittgenstein duck"

Another interesting take from the article:

”Similarly, psychologists find when a lie is repeated, it’s more likely to be misremembered as being true, and for a similar (effortlessness, as quoted in my title, my note, m.b.)) reason: When you’re hearing something for the second or third time, your brain becomes faster to respond to it. And that fluency is confused with truth.”

Sadly, so often we do repeat lies to us! And they become beliefs. And we have to work hard to observe that many of them are limiting beliefs.

When we’re taught or learn to fear other people, our brains distort their potential threat. They seem more menacing, and we want to build walls around them. When we learn or are taught that other people are less than human, we’re less likely to look upon them kindly and more likely to be okay when violence is committed against them. ”

And I must highlight that is the same case with taught or learn contempt, mistrust, hate, disgust - let notice that all these are fear-related feelings. So, we do build self-fulfilling prophecies, and it becomes a sort of ready-made and effortlessly to act upon scenarios. It is to emphasize that these ”knowings” not only they are bad for our relationship, but they keep us in ignorance - and more: an ignored ignorance.

“Our ignorance is invisible to us,” David Dunning, an expert on human blind spots, says.
You might recognize his name as half of the psychological phenomenon that bears his name: the Dunning-Kruger effect. That’s where people of low ability — let’s say, those who fail to understand logic puzzles — tend to unduly overestimate their abilities. Inexperience masquerades as expertise.”

On the other hand, any human being need to have solid convictions, based on knowledge and experience, revisited from time to time to update them to new information. A sad example of to late updating was that storm of questioning Google what is EU after the vote for BREXIT. Being curios is a good position in life, in general - maybe is even more effective as a term than being open.

”To be more intellectually humble, we need to be more transparent about our knowledge. We need to show others what we know and what we don’t.
And two, there needs to be more celebration of failure, and a culture that accepts it. That includes building safe places for people to admit they were wrong”

The article conclusion is a valuable valid perspective on coaching environment too. And a true instrumental one we act upon in our NestworkingTM endeavour.

12 ian. 2020

2020: să începem!

Dadada, și anul acesta :)

Întâi, să ne gândim cum trebuie la trecut. Aceste versuri ale lui Emily Dickinson îmi pare utile (oups!) în exactitatea lor frumoasă:

LOOK back on time with kindly eyes,
He doubtless did his best;
How softly sinks his trembling sun
In human nature’s west!
(Part Four: Time and Eternity, VIII)

Și, pentru viitor, iată un gând care îmi pare potrivit -
de pe coperta numărului 9 a Revistei de Povestiri:

 Îmblânzirea anului nou

ține-l în brațe încă din primele zile
pune-i un orizont pe cap să nu răcească
imaginează-ți-l în cele mai glorioase ipostaze
și râzi cu el în fiecare zi

un an cu lov!

Iar pentru că un cuib pare un loc bun în care să te (re)găsești,
mă bucur și anul acesta să ne întâlnim la
atelierele de coaching de grup - Nestworking!