25 iun. 2015
Listening - a poem by Tom Peters
Listening is ... the ultimate mark of Respect
Listening is ... the heart and soul of Engagement
Listening is ... the heart and soul of Kindness
Listening is ... the heart and soul of Thoughtfulness
more here:
24 iun. 2015
23 iun. 2015
Q: Cum ne ajuta coaching-ul?
Din interviul de aici:
Un om frumos e un erou ospitalier
(Ospitalier e și workshopul în care aplicăm coaching pe bune: Nestworking)
Un om frumos e un erou ospitalier
(Ospitalier e și workshopul în care aplicăm coaching pe bune: Nestworking)
Acest lucru nu inseamna ca uneori nu ai nevoie sa te mai antrenezi - sa beneficiezi de un alt "punct de vedere", pe care se intampla sa il ignori din pricina aglomerarii din viata fiecaruia. Arhimede zicea "dati-mi un punct de sprijin si rastorn lumea". Ei bine, uneori ai nevoie sa "rastorni" lumea ta, sa o re-asezi - ai nevoie de un punct de sprijin exterior ei.
Coaching-ul ne ajuta sa ne concentram pe solutie, nu pe problema, creste gradul de incredere in noi insine, capacitatea de a intelege si a alege ce e bine pentru noi, curajul si responsabilitatea de a actiona.
Se intampla un lucru interesant: competenta (sic!) in problema o mentine pe aceasta - ne simtim bine ca stim o multime de motive sa avem problema. E des citat Einstein cu afirmatia ca nu poti rezolva o problema la acelasi nivel de constientizare la care a aparut. Prin coaching, persoana creste nivelul de constientizare, gaseste alte puncte de vedere - nu opinii, pareri, ci efectiv perspective din care sa priveasca altfel situatia careia doreste sa ii gaseasca rezolvare.
Alan Kay a spus ca un punct de vedere nou inseamna 80 de puncte de IQ. In romaneste avem doua sensuri pentru "destept" - da, prin coaching te.. destepti, esti mult mai atent la tine, la ceilalti, la context si faci alegeri mult mai potrivite cu solutia pe care o doresti.
De asemenea, creste responsabilitatea persoanei pentru propria viata, mobilitatea spre ceea ce vrei, increderea ca poti face ce doresti - "descatusezi potentialul pentru a mari performanta", cum spune John Whitmore, autorul celei mai cunoscute carti despre coaching, transpunand in cuvinte mica formula a lui Timothy Gallwey, cel care a adus coaching-ul din sport in business: p=P-i, performanta este potential minus interferente - obstacole mentale, convingeri autolimitative "achizitionate" de-a lungul vietii. In acest context, prin acompanierea clientului, coach-ul este un "declansator de succes", un "stimulator de performanta" sau un "accelerator de reusita", cum spune Alain Cardon, master coach, cel cu care m-am pregatit pentru coaching, o personalitate recunoscuta in comunitatea internationala de coaching, un profesionist modern, dar care pastreaza spiritul autentic al primului demers consemnat de crestere a altuia - demersul socratic.
21 iun. 2015
''Ce este un coach'' este cine este el. (sic!)
’'Coach-ul este partenerul tău în atingerea obiectivelor,
· un coach e cel care, în perioadele mai puţin faste ale vieţii, te sprijină să nu uiţi că eşti un învingător,
· un coach este trainerul tău în abilităţi de comunicare şi în modul cum alegi să îţi trăieşti cât mai bine viaţa,
· un coach este referinţa ta de încredere atunci când ai de luat hotărâri importante pentru viaţa ta,
· un coach e cel care creşte motivaţia când e cazul să treci la acţiune; un coach este cel care te sprijină necondiţionat când eşti lovit,
· un coach este mentorul tău pentru dezvoltarea personală,
· un coach este cel împreună cu care poţi proiecta lucrurile extraordinare pe care ţi le doreşti;
· un coach are rol de far pe timp de furtună – îţi poate da ‘’coordonatele’’ personale de care e posibil să uiţi la necaz;
· un coach poate fi un ceas deşteptător, în caz că nu te ‘’trezeşti’’ singur, şi, mai ales,
· un coach este un partener pentru a trăi viaţa pe care ştii că eşti pregătit să o trăieşti, personal şi profesional.''
Thomas Leonhard (traducerea mea)
Un articol consistent, al meu, aici: Despre coaching
19 iun. 2015
''Şi dumneavoastră ce vreţi să fiţi?''
Săptămâna trecută am vorbit cu mai mulţi copii de clasa a IV-a. Erau bucuroşi, banchet, chestii, planuri. I-am întrebat cam ce vor să fie când vor fi mari. Răspunsuri foarte mişto, deschise - p r o b a b i l e*! wink emoticon
După aia, pac întrebare:
''Şi dumneavoastră ce vreţi să fiţi?'' :))
Mi-a plăcut! Că le-am părut.. întrebabilă, şi că, da, domnule!, e totdeauna potrivit să te întrebi.
Le-am răspuns: nestworker**! (dadadaaa, le-am explicat pe înţelesss)
Dar ia să vă întreb: Dumneavoastră ce vreţi să fiţi?
Let's celebrate Self 2 - the doer!
Azi am găsit citatul ăsta la Marius Chivu:
"- How old are you? she said.
- Seventeen, I said.
- Then you've got your whole life in front of you to worrying, she said. Don't start now. They ough to teach that in school instead of history. Worry management. Would you, by the way, like to know something about yourself?
- What? I said."
(Richard Ford in ''Women With Men'')
*reamintesc că asupra cuvântului ''probabil'' folosesc perspectiva ''care poate fi probat, care poate fi încercat''
** nestworker, cel care face activitatea de nestworking :)
Pentru ''activitatea de eclozare'' urmăriţi anunţurile ''Coaching în comunicare - NESTworking''
Pentru ''activitatea de eclozare'' urmăriţi anunţurile ''Coaching în comunicare - NESTworking''
14 iun. 2015
meaning, challenge, work, purpose
''The challenge of life is to... open it (the gift)!'' - I would add this sentence to be the second in the row.
A lot of people just stare at their gift - or are stuck in an endless inner conversation ''mastered'' (!) by a judgemental Self 1. Be curious!
The quote belongs to David S. Viscott, in the book ''Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times: A Book of Meditations'', 1993, according to quotesinvestigators. But usually it is attributed to Picasso, Shakespeare or.. Ziglar - who skipped the ''developing'' part. Well..
13 iun. 2015
inner representative of a "higher self" (''A creative person has little power over his own life.'' C.G. Jung)
''we each develop a "guiding fiction" or "myth" of ourselves by as early as two-years of age, one which we carry with us into adulthood and unconsciously influences our decisions, sense of self, and behavior. This myth of who we are determines how we perceive ourselves, the world, and our relationship to that world.''
''Jung, already innately introverted, was forced farther inward to seek and create his own personality. Or, as Jung himself puts it, his two personalities. The first personality was the ordinary, mundane, dependent, as yet undeveloped and immature boy, with his banal, bourgeois, conventional, rational outer reality and intense inferiority feelings. But the second personality was precisely the polar opposite: mature, powerful, wise, superior, autonomous, instinctual,spiritual, mystical, and deeply rooted and embedded in nature and the irrational. In hindsight, the grown Jung seems to have recognized that the second personality was clearly compensatory to the first, what we today refer to as a "grandiose self" designed to offset painful feelings of inferiority, anxiety and insecurity. Jung, however, felt strongly that this phenomenon is not intrinsically pathological, but rather, archetypal, indeed something "played out in every individual."
The first personality was the ordinary, mundane, dependent, as yet undeveloped and immature boy, with his banal, bourgeois, conventional, rational outer reality and intense inferiority feelings.
This description has an Intriguing resemblance with Self 1, in Inner Game theory, by Timothy Gallwey and the other - with Self 2: the second personality was precisely the polar opposite: mature, powerful, wise, superior, autonomous, instinctual,spiritual, mystical, and deeply rooted and embedded in nature and the irrational.
Interesting to emphasize that Jung himself didn't despised neither of the two selves, and his ''characterization of this splitting or, better, polarization of selves, as fundamentally archetypal or existential. An essentially normal if extraordinary example of a tension of opposites--albeit one which certainly can turn pathological when no conscious integration occurs.''
"I have had much trouble getting along with my ideas. There was a daimon in me, and in the end its presence proved decisive. It overpowered me, and if I was at times ruthless it was because I was in the grip of the daimon.. . . A creative person has little power over his own life. He is not free. He is captive and driven by his daimon." (pp. 356-357)
From this article:
Who are we really?
''Jung, already innately introverted, was forced farther inward to seek and create his own personality. Or, as Jung himself puts it, his two personalities. The first personality was the ordinary, mundane, dependent, as yet undeveloped and immature boy, with his banal, bourgeois, conventional, rational outer reality and intense inferiority feelings. But the second personality was precisely the polar opposite: mature, powerful, wise, superior, autonomous, instinctual,spiritual, mystical, and deeply rooted and embedded in nature and the irrational. In hindsight, the grown Jung seems to have recognized that the second personality was clearly compensatory to the first, what we today refer to as a "grandiose self" designed to offset painful feelings of inferiority, anxiety and insecurity. Jung, however, felt strongly that this phenomenon is not intrinsically pathological, but rather, archetypal, indeed something "played out in every individual."
The first personality was the ordinary, mundane, dependent, as yet undeveloped and immature boy, with his banal, bourgeois, conventional, rational outer reality and intense inferiority feelings.
This description has an Intriguing resemblance with Self 1, in Inner Game theory, by Timothy Gallwey and the other - with Self 2: the second personality was precisely the polar opposite: mature, powerful, wise, superior, autonomous, instinctual,spiritual, mystical, and deeply rooted and embedded in nature and the irrational.
Interesting to emphasize that Jung himself didn't despised neither of the two selves, and his ''characterization of this splitting or, better, polarization of selves, as fundamentally archetypal or existential. An essentially normal if extraordinary example of a tension of opposites--albeit one which certainly can turn pathological when no conscious integration occurs.''
"I have had much trouble getting along with my ideas. There was a daimon in me, and in the end its presence proved decisive. It overpowered me, and if I was at times ruthless it was because I was in the grip of the daimon.. . . A creative person has little power over his own life. He is not free. He is captive and driven by his daimon." (pp. 356-357)
From this article:
Who are we really?
2 iun. 2015
Dacă ceva poate fi măsurat, acel ceva este (sic!) (variaţiuni discrete după Protagoras*)
I am this kind of people!
Ideation-People strong in the Ideations theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
Intellection-People strong in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
Includer-People strong in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.
Connectedness-People strong in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.
Strategic-People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
StrengthsFinderTM, The Gallup School of Management, ©1999.
potential deosebit pentru stimularea cresterii si dezvoltarii celorlalti
aduce entuziasm si loialitate in munca sa, incurajand cooperarea si flexibilitatea in cadrul echipei
strenghts which are mostly recognized by experienced managers, consultants and psychologists as key factors
in personal and organization effectiveness
*Protagoras: „omul e masura tuturor lucrurilor – ale celor ca sunt, cum ca sunt, si ale celor ce nu sunt, cum ca nu sunt”.
Ideation-People strong in the Ideations theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
Intellection-People strong in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
Includer-People strong in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.
Connectedness-People strong in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.
Strategic-People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
StrengthsFinderTM, The Gallup School of Management, ©1999.
potential deosebit pentru stimularea cresterii si dezvoltarii celorlalti
aduce entuziasm si loialitate in munca sa, incurajand cooperarea si flexibilitatea in cadrul echipei
strenghts which are mostly recognized by experienced managers, consultants and psychologists as key factors
in personal and organization effectiveness
*Protagoras: „omul e masura tuturor lucrurilor – ale celor ca sunt, cum ca sunt, si ale celor ce nu sunt, cum ca nu sunt”.
1 iun. 2015
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