2 iun. 2015

Dacă ceva poate fi măsurat, acel ceva este (sic!) (variaţiuni discrete după Protagoras*)

I am this kind of people!

Ideation-People strong in the Ideations theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

Intellection-People strong in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.

Includer-People strong in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.

Connectedness-People strong in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

Strategic-People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.

StrengthsFinderTM, The Gallup School of Management, ©1999.

 potential deosebit pentru stimularea cresterii si dezvoltarii celorlalti
 aduce entuziasm si loialitate in munca sa, incurajand cooperarea si flexibilitatea in cadrul echipei
 strenghts which are mostly recognized by experienced managers, consultants and psychologists as key factors 
 in  personal and organization effectiveness

*Protagoras: „omul e masura tuturor lucrurilor – ale celor ca sunt, cum ca sunt, si ale celor ce nu sunt, cum ca nu sunt”.