26 sept. 2014

Forming the Habbit of Ownership in the workplace through Nestworking™

The organizational persona
A company’s culture is defined by attitudes, assumptions and beliefs  -  a true body of knowledge and feelings that shapes the characteristic way of doing the specific business. As in human being, for each company there is a pre-set DNA, preserved in the nutshell of founders’ vision: it has to be stated and sustained along the whole business development. Corporate is in-corporating this vision and displays it in the ’’how we do things here”, i.g. organizational culture (OC). Consequently, OC can be a key factor in a business success or failure over the years. But the focus is mostly on leader’s role in ”setting the scene” for success, and on coaching them on how to use their potential to create that environment to motivate and welcome staff’s involvement.

The leader
CEOs and management teams are in charge with leading people to the desired achievements. Leadership is fundamentally about how a chief (C)actually execute (E) the office* (O) of trans-forming the vision in acting. Usually, the statement ”leaders are in the best position to influence culture change” is unquestionable, but let spot a true challenge for a successful influence: the company's culture has to be open to be influenced. What does that suppose to mean? That employees are to be ready to be manipulated?! That trust and motivation are to be obtain by skillfully persuading people? Lets face the truth that many so called ”organizational communication programs for change OC” are rooted in such beliefs, consonant with the ”leadership proposition of the company”. Do the employees follow or are.. enrolled?

The follower
The very idea of leadership came from the battle fields:  leaders were the ones who ruled.  But the new „soldier” has a.. Second life!  Internet and Social media do challenge for good largely accepted findings on organizational persona. Back in 90ies, it was suggested that a meaningful company mission, employee’s involvement, consistency between whats and hows - values and deeds -, and adaptability to the business environment are closely related to ROI, return on investments. After 20 years, over tens of socializing platforms, and over millions of personal „walls” the situation had dramatically changed in terms of involvement:  companies have to welcome ownership as the stem relation for performance and success. But what is ownership? Ownership is not about giving shares to your employee, ownership is about being aware and responsible of  the fact that your employee gives company shares of her/his life, and the very value attached to these shares of professional - but personal! - life shapes the very value of the company. Ownership is the habit of being the owner of your life, and the feeling of being proud of this If the employee waits for every Friday to feel ownership - i.e. to be at full extent of her/his life -, who is present in the office each Monday?  If the company do not sustain developing ”the habit of ownership” for each and any of its employees, this very habit will not be practiced at work, and the losses could be fatal for not-owned organizational persona.


Executive coaching do play a powerful role in changing organizational culture, but change should be secure through Nestworking™  programs for build and welcome the habit to owe your life in a flowing way, both personal and professional. These are not empty words, but full of true print consequences: employees will choose not to split life time in two: mine and “their”, for me and for them, lead by me and lead by them. A Nestworking worker is to be both intrapersonal and interpersonal effective, experienced in group dynamics, leadership and ownership development through effective learning work, interrelated to assessing and measuring both individuals features (e.g., abilities, attitudes, motivation, leadership) and organizations features (e.g., results, culture, climate). Through her/his very own Nestworkingactivities she/he will ensure there is a strong link between learning/coaching activities and personnel and organizational outcomes.    

Crisis as a flood: it is true that Noah was the needed leader of saving living beings, but was the possibility of making a nest the checking fact that ”anchor the change”. The life-proof for a solid grounds is Nestworking  around activity. Lets do some!
Nestworking is a commercial trademark, owned by Magda Bunea and Brain Fitness.

 *from Latin  ’’officium’’: "service", "(sense of) duty")