You are normally
rather optimistic and usually see the positive when evaluating situations.
You generally take initiative in order to reach objectives that far exceed those initially assigned to you. It is clear that you like to go beyond the expectations of designated tasks. Lastly, you are able to give certain things up in order to reach your set goal.
''My strong point'' as a result of an EIQ quite complex test.
I knew - I mean, I do live like that. And I am glad, because this is the very approach I follow in my NESTworking programs: to see the seed of a better result then the solution you are heading for in the problem you want to solve.
Results are better then solutions!, as I use to say.
.............. In Transactional Analysis, Eric Berne speaks about the 5 drivers
”Did I do my best to” operator:
1.Be happy?
2.Find meaning?
3.Build positive relationships?
4.Be fully engaged?
5.Set clear goal?
6.Make progress toward goal achievement?
Well, be curious!