25 nov. 2013

Communication technique - Case study 4 (intraorganizational, in writing)

manager de manageri iritati
schimb de emails aproape agresiv
trebuie sa le raspundă tuturor din lista

inteleg ca X conduce proiectul  si avea un schedule
si acu i se cere sa isi asume altul - in 24 de ore
iar Y a fost imperativa FARA sa fi armonizat ceea ce cere
cu ceea ce stiu ca se poate cei care trebuie sa faca lucrurile.
inteleg ca tu trebuie sa le comunici ceva/in asa fel
incat ei sa faca un pas inainte, nu sa stea pe loc, 
sau, si mai rau, de suparare ca "nu au contat'', sa dea inapoi.
inteleg ca intalnirea de maine trebuie sa aiba rost 
si pentru unii si pentru altii,
scopul final fiind el insusi un scop comun.


Dear all!

Let me share with you a recent finding about the meaning of ROI:
Return Of Involvement (apud Kevin Roberts, CEO Saatchi&Saatchi).

I do appreciate the keen evaluation of the present situation, and the requested pace of our work as a highly involved and very useful approach, and I want to thank you all.

I strongly believe that a deadline is not a dead-end, but a better place to develop further: it is a level achieved assuming and reaching goals through respectfully communicate and coordinate with each others.

I also do appreciate your time quality – as well as I do appreciate mine  

Let us use tomorrow meeting as an effective feed-forward for an easier final prioritization council.
Please, feel free to openly discuss ongoing change requests list, and using the meeting as an opportunity for great team working.

And I strongly believe you have to invest empowerment and reason to get ROI – both in terms of involvement, and investment.

See you tomorrow around a ”meet-able” table :)

Best regards,

Tehnica: aplicarea primei reguli de comunicare :)

First Rule:
genuinely choose/cherish/celebrate
the other’s and your joy of being
choose respectfully/cherish playfully/celebrate authentic

alt studiu de caz, aici: