Here it is a post back in 2009!
It was in Romanian: În contra deformării profesiei de coach
It aimed to point out two frequent de-formations (sic!) in practicing coaching: 1) by using questions the coach has an answer for, and 2) by evaluating the client as not-OK (in terms of Transactional Analysis)
The main reason to re-post it is this steady announcement of the month in coaching: a seminar on ”Conversational Intelligence”, a term coined by Judith E. Glaser. And I found in a presentation that she put as the 3rd rule to raise influence in communication right the mistake I highlighted seven year ago, but she mention it in its positive perspective:
”Ask questions for which you have no answers.” Well, I am happy to acknowledge I had a valuable perception on coaching in the early years of practicing this profession in Romania.
Here is her site - a worth to cruise resource for new insights on coaching practice. I did participate at Judith online seminar ”Healthy Cells - Healthy Cultures”, in June, this year, thanks to a great event: WBECS, World Business and Executive Coach Summit.
Well, being my self an honest and passionate inquirer in respect of the famous statement:
I was impressed with this term - ”Conversational Intelligence”, and applying what I do as a coach - critical thinking and self- reflection in order to enlarge frame of reference, and to find a new point of view to contribute to progress in knowledge, feeling and doing, i.e. to progress in the practice of being - I would propose the term Intelligence Communication!
There is a list of services an ”intelligence agency” could provide for their national governments - see the note above. It easy to match it with a standard service a coach is expected to provide in order to support a better self-governance of the client. Here we go:
- ”provision of analysis in areas relevant to” client s targeted area of development - through appropriate questions to explore his ”country”, either professional ”realm”, or personal.
- ”give early warning of impending crises - checking loops to explore from a SMART operator the status of options and way-to-go from GROW model.
- ”serve” personal and professional ”crisis management by helping to discern the intentions of current or potential opponents” - similar to the reality stage from GROW model.
For becoming an intelligence communication individual - or company! - we recommend our dedicated workshops NESTworking, open or in-house.
*An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives.