7 feb. 2023

``In your workshop, we felt we matter`` @ MATTERING, buzzword in Davos 2023

 ``Research has shown that if employers help their staff feel like they matter, they'll put in a better performance.``


``The term was coined off the back of a report from the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General which was published in autumn 2022. The report established five areas that demonstrate an increase in employee performance in line with their well-being.

The pillars are: protection from harm, the opportunity for growth, connection and community, work-life harmony and mattering at work.``

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, who has done extensive work on the topic, explained: "Mattering is an intrinsic part of being human, we care about mattering. The instinct to matter holds within it so much psychic power, enough to fuel all the focused attention and energy that's required for pursuing a human life."

From here.

#groupcoaching #focused #attention #nestworking

A decade ago, when my then recently launched workshop ``Nestworking`` have been one of 20 programs in a 6 weeks leadership academy format, it had the highest evaluation marks from the participants. But what was mostly rewarding for me was their words: ``In your workshop, we felt we matter.``