Here we are some findings and results of research on coaching development:
About the coach of the future:
The Future of Coaching 2020
''To sum up and map out my key findings I developed a dynamic structure
that evolves over time. It a mindset diagram illustrating what motivates
and drives people in the western world. It is meant to inspire vision
and fuel new thinking in your field. So what matters to people? These
four distinct mindsets distill coaching styles appealing to Tomorrow’s
* To the Power Coach excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.
* For the Creative Coach teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
* The Caring Coach knows that by moving forward together success takes care of itself.
* A Karma Coach understands that happy people are successful, healthier and live longer.''
It is interesting how these four types could be mirrored in these four direction great leaders score best:
- They know the whole business- They are great decision-makers
- They know the industry
- They form deep, trusting relationships
From this article on Harvard Business Review:
A 10-Year Study Reveals What Great Executives Know and Do
Regarding coaching for CEOs, a concise perspective from Stanford:
Executive coaching survey 2013
''(..) nearly 100% of CEOs in the survey responded that they actually enjoy the process of receiving coaching and leadership advice (..)
Top areas that CEOs use coaching to improve. Sharing leadership and delegation, conflict management, team building, and mentoring. Bottom of the list: motivational skills, compassion/empathy, and persuasion skills. “A lot of people steer away from coaching some of the less tangible skills because they are uncomfortable with touching on these areas or really don’t have the capability to do it,” says Mr. Miles. “These skills are more nuanced and actually more difficult to coach because many people are more sensitive about these areas. However, when combined with the ‘harder’ skills, improving a CEO’s ability to motivate and inspire can really make a difference in his or her overall effectiveness.”''
And a small survey, but with interesting insights from Saba:
Employee Coaching Survey Results: Important and Engaging