7 iun. 2013

When coaching is a game..

So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change, their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity and conservatism - all of which may appear to give one peace of mind. But in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a person than a secure future...."
Chris McCandless

I think the "because" sentence is important, and leads to a richer meaning of the topic.
Security - in a maslowian sens - is good.
Conformity - is not good.

I do like very much the 'pleading' for MOBILITY Tim Gallwey would give a whole chapter in his Inner Game of Work. Conformity is a submissive position to exterior -
to Self 1, in TG's terms - ignoring the mirriad of possibilities a person is born with - the Self 2.

As for 'conservatism of life' - this is a contradiction in terms: life can't be conservate -
only a corpse could be. So, my future is secure as an aware and trustful choice of myself = Self 2.

Mobility is the very fundamental of coaching. It prevents the worst situation:
Coach's Self 1 coachs Client's Self 1! Also the other one: Coach's Self 1 coachs Client's Self 2, the mobility owner! It is possible, with a directive person 'labeled' coach..

The coaching request of a person springs of the hardly seen Self 2, but the first session is likely to be 'conduct' by Self 1, the conformity owner. How to be there with your Client for having a last session lead by Self 2 - i.e. the person her/himSELF?

A coach indeed is a coach in deed :)

Un bun antrenament pentru coach este chiar acest model de folosit in sesiuni de coaching:
Inner Game - model de coaching